Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Getting Nothing Done

I have not done any crafting or spinning or any fun stuff since my last post. Although, we did fix part of the alpaca fence where Marley kept getting out at. I hope he doesn't find a new way out.

Anyways, what I have been doing is being in a bunch of pain and not wanting to move a whole lot. It's that time of the month and it's beating me up, completely and totally. I have the worse cramps, complete with full body aches. My upper shoulders are all knotted and hurting and my lower back is in agony. I have even resorted to taking advil to try and help with the pain (I hate taking any pills if I can avoid them). It's not working. The best that I can hope for is it to lessen up over the next couple of days.

Until then, ow ow ow ow...

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