Saturday, October 10, 2009

Getting ready to move

My hubby and I have found a place to move to. It's not very far from where we are now, which is great since we will still be close by to visit Reba & Dave (sis- & bro-in-law for those of you who don't know). We will be staying in a home located on a farm called Alpacas of Shepherd's Pasture. The owners of the property are trying to sell off all of their alpacas because they are ready to retire, so we will be helping to take care of their alpacas until they get them all sold. This is a great opportunity for Tim and I to learn more about the alpaca business. I will have access to a store set up and will be able to show products in there.

We will be able to take our 5 alpaca boys with us and put them in a pasture. The house we are staying in is a 3 bedroom, so we will be able to have guest room (Mema & Mepa, that means you won't have to camp out when you visit us!). We haven't really unpacked since we moved up here, so we don't have a lot to pack up. Only some clothes, craft stuff and a few books. I am so excited and can barely wait until next week!!!

So, I am planning on having a "warm house" party around Halloween (and I hope people will dress up). A warm house party means that it is not a house warming party because we have pretty much everything we need. So no gifts, please! If you would like to bring a yummy appetizer or other food that would be appreciated. I will post more details about it later!

Sorry for the lack of posts in the last week. I have been so sick and not been doing much. Now that I am feeling a little better I will be getting back in the swing of things!

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