A lot happened last year. My husband and I went bankrupt, lost our home, our car, and a lot of material things. However, we gained much spiritually and emotionally. Our relationship has been strengthened and I know now that we will make it through anything together. I started my own business... even though it's not really making me any money, but at least I get to create much fun stuff and I even had home-made gifts for Christmas presents for friends and family. I started this blog and then after I moved I didn't have internet access at my new house, so I stopped posting on it. I am going to try to be better about it now. I really do love to write and this blog helps with getting my mind started before sitting down to work on short stories and fiction pieces.
For those of you who read this and don't know: We are moving back into my sister-in-law and brother-in-law's house. We aren't making enough money to stay living where we are. I was hoping to find at least a good part time job by now, but the only thing that I have found is a very, very part time job caregiving. I do enjoy it, but I really need to find something with more hours.
My plan this year is to get a good job or make my business bring in more money. By living with the in-laws I will have at least a little bit of money to pay for booth rent, so I will be able to go out to more craft fairs and such. I am grateful that we are going to be able to save more money and not spend as much on rent and other big bills (like electricity, oh my that was a huge bill last month).
I am also working on other things. But I most definitely will be working on writing, blogging and updating my craft store website. So, keep reading and I will keep you posted on anything that is new and exciting. If I miss a week, and you are missing me, poke me by email and tell me to go update my blog that way I feel responsible to more than myself. :)